Apr 17, 20192 min

Trump Tweets: Trump Responds to “Witch Hunt”

By Luis Arellano

Different day, same attacks. That’s one reading of President Trump’s response to Special Counsel Robert Mueller conclusion that he could not charge the president for conspiring with Russia or obstructing justice. Even as he celebrated the end to the nearly two-year probe, Trump continue to lash out his enemies in the mainstream press and the Democratic Party.

Donald J. Trump


The Fake News Media has lost tremendous credibility with its corrupt coverage of the illegal Democrat Witch Hunt of your all time favorite duly elected President, me! T.V. ratings of CNN & MSNBC tanked last night after seeing the Mueller Report statement. ‪@FoxNews up BIG!

138K 9:27 PM - Mar 26, 2019 Twitter Ads info and privacy

What It Means :

President Trump has repeatedly compared the Muller investigation to a “witch hunt” – a reference, of course, to the Salem witch trials of 1693 in which mass hysteria led to the execution of at least 20 people in Massachusetts. Trump’s point is that just as there were no “witches” because they do not exist, there was no conspiracy with Russia. Trump is hoping to capitalize on a perceived lack of credibility among his media opponents to build momentum toward his 2020 campaign and to undo the damage caused by the shadow the Mueller probe has cast over his presidency. By repeating his attacks, he is underscoring the fact that he has been telling the truth all along.

Why It Matters:

Trump staged managed his series of post-Mueller investigation tweets taking a day and half-long break from Twitter (one of a half-dozen times he has done so since taking office). This helped build suspense and interest in his social media activities once he broke his silence.

What People Are Saying:

Despite Mueller’s findings, Trump will have his work cut out for him. A new Reuters/Iposos Poll found that 48 percent of Americans still believe Trump colluded with Russia in some fashion before the election and 53 percent believe he tried to stop investigations into his conduct. What is also surprising is how little attention has been paid by both Republicans and Democrats to the clear evidence in the Mueller Report, (of which the only conclusion has been released) that Russia conducted clandestine operations to influence the 2016 U.S. elections.
